TimerGPS T100 Support

This section contains support information for TimerGPS T100.

NOTE: We have sadly had to end the support for TimerGPS T100 model devices. We no longer have spare parts for the older models, but we do offer special discounts for new TimerGPS Plus2 model devices in exchange for the old models. Contact us via email or phone and ask more!


Yes, this is true. Service for this model had to be discontinued, because our component manufacturer had ended the manufacture of one central component for the device. You can switch your T100 to a later TimerGPS device. Get in touch with our sales!

It does not. The T100 model doesn’t contain a receiver for the heart rate module.

If the device is not damaged, the fault may lie in the device software being corrupted. In this case, it is recommended to contact technical support.

Check that the USB cable and charger are not damaged, by trying alternative cables and chargers.

device UPDATES

There are no longer updates for TimerGPS T100.


No guides available for the TimerGPS T100.

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